These are some of the photos taken at Jerudong Park Polo Club (JPPC) during one of our sungkai outings. The place and the food are really excellent. There are 7 different stations with generous variety of foods to satisfy your taste bud. ...drinks...
30 September, 2007
Sungkai @ JPPC
Posted by
10:02 AM
29 September, 2007
Backyard @ Sg Tilong
During the last trip to Sg Tilong, myself and Fazleen practised our skills in nature's photography. We saw the "simpur" in nice, bright yellow. They were so beautiful. But guess what happened? We procrastinated and it rained before we could take the photo of the simpur. Determined to catch something in the cam, we went down to the backyard once the rain stopped.
So, please enjoy what we have captured. Credits to Fazleen, who has capture all of these photos except the first one.Ubi Kayu
Posted by
9:19 AM
28 September, 2007
Ketupat oh ketupat
Even though I was busy updating the blog, I was pleasantly surprise to have the energy and time to make a few small "ketupat", which I want to hang in my office. Since Hari Raya is coming soon, I want to put some deco in my office bah. Just like if you go out shopping nowadays, the supermarkets will play the Hari Raya songs in the background - to build up the Hari Raya mood. So, I want to build the same mood in the office.
Went to Hua Ho to get some ribbons. I was looking for the small ribbons because small ribbons would be nice to be made into ketupats. I have made ketupats with bigger ribbons before so this year, I want to make something different!! hehe..close-up
In fact, my mind kept wandering as I was making the ketupats. I think I could make a ketupat with 4 ribbons.... well.... lets just wait and see if I could make it come true.... who knows it might as well be possible to use 4 ribbons bah... what do you think?
In the meantime, here are some of the ketupats i have made so far. Hmmm... I wonder if I could sell these at B$1.00 each? hehehehehee....
Updated on Saturday, 29/9/2007. For everyone info, the earlier ketupats I created use 2 ribbons only. So far, I have not tried using 4 different ribbons yet and I do not know if it is possible. However, I was determined to prove something this morning. After a few trials and wasted some ribbons because their lengths were too short, I eventually managed to make one. So, for the very first time, I show you here the ketupat created using 4 ribbons!! Mind you, creating this ketupat requires good imagination, focus, patience and lots of practice.
Posted by
3:18 PM
27 September, 2007
20/9/2007 - Its time to leave... bon voyage
This might be the last in a series of photographs at the airport.
I cannot describe how it felt during this moment. However, as generally perceived by say a thousand words and here are some of the photos which described the event happening at the departure hall.Shaking hands with Ainureen with Asyiqeen looking on...
Posted by
11:29 PM
20/9/2007 - More photos at the Airport
Especially to Alai Fizah, here are some of the pix I promised to upload. These are the recordings of this special moment that I managed to capture. From all of us in Brunei, we wish you great success in your studies, grab the chance while in UK to enjoy the place and visit other places...such as Paris, Roma, etc.Ready... 1, 2, 3... shoot
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10:38 PM
20/9/2007 - Time bersungkai di Airport
Even though the airport was crowded at the time, we managed to secure a nice spot to have a good family "bersungkai" together. Waiting for the Maghrib prayer to break the fast
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10:21 PM
25 September, 2007
25/9/2007 - Special Ramadhan
Ramadhan is so special this year because this is the first time in her life that Ainureen managed to keep her puasa for the full day. With the completion of today's fasting, she has completed 13 days of fasting this year. It is considered as a great achievement for this 6-years old little girl.
Here are the photos of the special girl during "berbuka puasa" at various places in Brunei.
Breaking fast at Jerudong Polo Club
Ainureen's favourite - Fish & Chips with lots n lots of tomato sauce
Ainureen enjoying her treat of the day
...more desserts......
Posted by
8:51 PM
20/9/2007 - Having Cendulz @ airport
wonder ku siapa yang makan cendul sampai dua gelas ni ah! hehehe..... Tapi cendul nya memang sedap. Cendul courtesy of Uda Ros kah tu? TQ ah. It was so delicious!!! slurrp...
Double Cenduls
Nyaman jua usul nya ah...
Enjoying the cendul...
Posted by
8:38 PM
24 September, 2007
20/9/2007 - Before breaking fast @ airport
Wishing Alai Fizah all the best #1
Wishing Alai Fizah all the best #2
Two lovely sisters
Posted by
10:35 PM
20/9/2007 - Dk Hafizah's departure to UK...
Bon voyage and wish you every success in life Fizah... take care always. My beautiful niece will be studing in UCL in London. Lucky her. It must be a dream come true to study there. Anyway, there are many more interesting pix to be uploaded... So, please keep coming back.
Pix taken at around 6:10pm
Posted by
5:05 PM