The GCE Cambridge O and A levels results finally came out on Monday, 28th January 2008. Congratulations to those who have passed the examinations and we wish you the best of luck in the next academic level. For those who did not manage to get good grades this time around, please do not get upset. The feeling of frustration will only be a temporary emotion expected from these type of small glitches in life.
Also, congratulations to those who have passed the Sijil Sekolah-Sekolah Rendah Ugama examination.
In the meantime, lets celebrate and enjoy some cool drinks... take a break. enjoy some pearl coolers...
29 January, 2008
2007 Exam Results
Posted by
10:52 PM
26 January, 2008
Happy Birthday Farah AF2
Happy 23rd Birthday to Farah Diana Anuar on 25th January 2008. To our sweet princess, we hope that you will always remain in good health, keep improving the excellent work you have done in the entertainment industry and keep in touch. I will always remember the surprise phone call you made during my birthday last year. Unfortunately, we are unable to join you and the gangs during the birthday celebration held at Izzi Restaurant, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia recently. Perhaps next year or next next next next year...
picture taken in one of the many meetings we have both in KL and Brunei
Posted by
11:22 AM
20 January, 2008
Stopover in Dubai III
Part Three.
Dubai... it is one of the transit destinations for passengers who fly from Brunei to London by Royal Brunei Airlines. It is a shopping haven for Bruneians who got the money and have exhausted the region's shopping cities, malls and complexes of Bangkok, Singapore or Kuala Lumpur.
In addition to some of us from this South East Asia region, Dubai is also a shopping haven for those who stay in the middle-east region (be them arabs or not) and yeah..yeah..yeah.. you do not have to tell me about those rich arabs too... ahaha. Some of them are so damn rich!.
Dubai.. it is possibly the fastest growing city in the world. Have you heard about Burj Al-Arab or The Palm Islands? The Palm Islands (Palm Jumeirah, Palm Jebel Ali, and Palm Deira) are the largest artificial islands in the world. All of the islands are being built in the shape of a palm tree, with a central trunk and a crown with fronds. They are protected from the open sea by a crescent island that acts as a breakwater.
Unfortunately, I did not have the time to go for the sight-seeing. Maybe next time saja. So, no pictures of those places here. Perhaps, will try to stay in one of those hotels. Anyone who knows how much the room costs? Any generous sponsors out there? Give me a shout, if you are willing to sponsor my next trip.. :)
In the meantime, enjoy these pictures took in Dubai.The Dubai International Airport view from the top
The whole family here would like to take this opportunity to wish sis Erni a happy birthday today.
Posted by
10:57 AM
18 January, 2008
Appointments, Transfer, Confirmation Of Officers
I was pleasantly surprised to hear the recent announcement on the appointments of these very senior officers because some of them are quite familiar to me. My personal congratulations to all of them, especially to Pg Hj Haris and Dato Paduka Hj Abd Majid who have been promoted to the rank of full Permanent Secretaries. I have extracted the report below from The Brunei Times.
Bandar Seri Begawan - By Command of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, the Prime Minister's Office released a press release on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 announcing the monarch's consent to the appointments, transfer and confirmation of the following four senior government officers.
Dato Paduka Hj Abdul Majid Mangarshah, the Director of. The Narcotics Control Bureau, under the Prime Minister's Office, has been appointed as Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defence.
Pengiran Abdul Haris Pengiran Hj Shahbudin, the Controller of Royal Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance have been appointed as the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Meanwhile, Pengiran Dato Paduka Hj Abdul Hamid Pengiran Hj Mohd Yassin,Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defence has been transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Hj Erywan Pehin Datu Pekerma Jaya Hj Mohd Yusof, acting Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has been confirmed in his post as the Deputy Permanent Secretary at the ministry.
The new appointments, transfer and confirmation of the aforementioned officers came into effect as of Thursday, January 17, 2008, the statement said.-- Courtesy of The Brunei Times
The whole family here would like to take this opportunity to wish Ak Emi a happy birthday today.
Posted by
10:36 PM
16 January, 2008
Stopover in Dubai
Part Two.
These photos are randomly taken from inside the taxi.
The whole family here would like to take this opportunity to wish a Happy Birthday today to Raihana in Cairo and Ak Hazman in Kg Rimba.
Posted by
11:13 PM
10 January, 2008
Hijrah 1429
9th January 2008. By sunset today, it marked the end of Hijrah Year 1428 and the beginning of a new year 1429 Hijrah.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a good year ahead. In the spirit of Hijrah, lets us improve ourself for the better. Small steps will gradually lead to bigger achievements.
Thank you to everyone who has sent their greetings and best wishes. My sincere apology to those I did not manage to reply.
I was so impressed by some of the new year text messages I received because some of them are so touching and so flattering. I do not want to lose them, so I put them here for the record and to share with the rest of you.
Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, sempena tahun baru yang penuh berkah ini, mudah2an dengan izin dan redhaMU, saudara2 ku ini dan keluarga akan sentiasa mendapat ketenangan iman, sihat walafiat yang berpanjangan, murah rezeki yang berterusan, rahmat dan berkat yang berkekalan. Amin3 Ya Rabbal Alamin...
Assalamualaikum Tuan, selamat menyambut tahun baru 1429 Hijrah. Semoga Allah melimpahkan rahmatnya, memberkati, meluaskan & memurahkan rezeki Tuan sekeluarga.
Ketenangan ada dalam iman, Bahagia ada dalam redha, Sihat ada dalam solat, Damai ada dalam zikrullah, maka harmoni lah jiwa. Selamat Tahun Baru Hijrah 1429.
Assalamualaikum, Selamat tahun baru Hijrah 1429, semoga semua amalan kebaikan akan diberkati oleh Allah. Amin Yarobal alaamin.
Di ucapkan selamat menyambut tahun baru hijrah untuk kita sekeluarga dan di doakan semoga hidup tani semua sentiasa di cucuri rahmat dan hidayah Allah Taala jua. Amin!
Selamat Tahun 1429. Ya Allah, rahmatilah penerima sms ini dan keluarganya. Sihatkan ia, panjangkan umurnya dan murahkan rezekinya. Ampuni dosanya dan berkatilah amalanya sepanjang tahun yang telah dilalui. Semoga ditahun 1429 ini akan meningkatkan lagi keberkatannya.
Manusia sering terlupa. Harus diberi peringatan: Hijrah kita tanpa unta, tanpa perlu berjalan di tengah panas membara, tanpa dikejar musuh durjana, tapi hijrah untuk besarkan Tuhan dan bermanja dengan Pencipta Maha Agung. Berhijrah lah ketingkat yang lebih baik dari kelmarin. Selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah.
Dear all, we wish you, your family and your friends "SELAMAT TAHUN BARU HIJRAH 1429" may all your wish come true.
Satu dua kucing berlari, mana sama unta berjangut merah, selamat menyambut tahun baru hijrah...
Salam Maal Hijrah 1429. Semoga mendapat:
Muharram yang Baik,
Safar yang Bersejarah,
Rabiulawal yang Indah,
Rabiulakhir yang Bahagia,
Jamadilawal yang Mulia,
Jamadilakhir yang Riang,
Rejab yang Bermakna,
Syaaban yang Aman,
Ramadhan yang Berkat,
Syawal yang Rahmat,
Zulkaedah yang Sempurna,
Zulhijjah yang Mabrur.
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Hijrah segala nya. Selamat sejahtera to all. Selamat Tahun Baru.
Selamat Tahun Baru Hijrah. Semoga semua jadi lebih baik lagi.
Selamat menyambut tahun baru Hijrah 1429, semoga tahun ini akan lebih bermakna, dikurniakan segala kebaikan & kemakmuran, bertambah keimanan & ketaqwaan. Dijauhi dari segala bala & kejahatan. Amin Yarabbilalamin!
Ma'al Hijrah 1429, Insha Allah, dengan berkat doa diawal tahun yang penuh keberkatan, dengan kesungguhan dan takwa kejujuran yang berterusan, kejayaan akan mendekati kita.
Makna tahun baru adalah Kehidupan baru, Evolusi Baru, Wawasan baru, Idea baru dan Semangat baru. Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Hijrah 1429. Semoga Tahun ini membuka lembaran baru dalam kehidupan kitani. Buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih.
Iman & takwa sahabat setia, letaknya dihati, jiwa & minda. Doa & usaha sebagai senjata, bekalan untukmu hidup berjaya, kerana Allah membelamu walau dimana berada. Salam Maal Hijrah 1429.
Wish you all the best. May Allah blessed us all and make sure we are guided to the right path. Amiin YaRabbal Alaamin...
Posted by
10:13 PM
04 January, 2008
Stopover in Dubai
Part One.Welcome to Dubai International Airport...
Posted by
10:45 PM