Today 29/9/2008 Fazleen will be 17years 3months and 5days. And today will be the day when he will start his degree course at University of Liverpool, UK. Did he set a new history for Brunei? Is he the youngest Bruneian ever to step into a University? Let me know if there are much younger Bruneian than him to start a degree course so that I can change the title of the post accordingly. tq.
On his behalf, we would like to convey our utmost appreciations and special thanks to all the families in Sg Tilong and Tutong, all the teachers and friends in Sekolah Rendah IQRA, Sekolah Pertama Tutong, Sekolah Menengah Muda Hashim Tutong, Jerudong International School and Sekolah Ugama PAP Norain Tutong. All of you have contributed in one way or more to shape him and make him what he is today.
Lastly, the families and friends would like to wish him the very best of luck in his study.
29 September, 2008
Brunei's Youngest Undergraduate ?
Posted by
12:51 PM
26 September, 2008
Bon Voyage & Good Luck
Congratulations and good luck to everyone who have flown off for their further studies recently.
Dk Hafizah went back to London on 17th September. Amalina and Adilah left on 19th September. Pg Azman left on 20th September. And, Fazleen left on 24th September. Hope I could post some of the photos taken during their departures in my later posts [can't promise tho].
For the time being, here are the photos taken during Fazleen's departure on 24th September. [Load of thanks to musique'a'holique for the great shots]. Let me also take this opportunity to convey our sincere appreciation and special thank you to all our dearest families and friends, who have given him the support and encouragement and seeing him off at the airport. Hope you enjoyed the food too. We love you all.
Posted by
8:17 PM
07 September, 2008
Visit to Billionth Barrel Monument
My daughter had a school trip to Oil and Gas Discovery Centre (OGDC) in Seria. On the way to OGDC, they stopped over at the One Billionth Barrel Monument, and took some photographs.
One Billionth Barrel Monument was established to commemorate the production of one billion barrels from Seria Oilfield, the oldest oilfield in Brunei. The site was chosen because of the historical evidence of the early production of oil in Brunei at that particular site. Eversince that day, crude oil had been flowing from this oilfield until today. Although most of the current oil production comes from offshore fields, Seria Oilfield remains as one of the important production fields in Brunei.
Posted by
7:52 PM
03 September, 2008
Farewell & Good Luck
Good luck to both of you.
We would like to convey the best of wishes to Mr and Mrs Kumar, who have now retired happily. Mr Kumar has been working at Pharmacy Department at PMMPHAMB Hospital. Mrs Jai Kumar has worked as an Education Officer at Sekolah Menengah Muda Hashim Tutong.
We were grateful that both of you accepted our offer to join the family for a high-tea session at one of the leading hotels in Gadong. We hoped you have enjoyed the food. We certainly have a good time with you.
We wish you excellent health, prosperity, peaceful life and lots of enjoyment. Do come and visit us when you are free. We will try to catch up with each other when time permits. Enjoy your retirements!
Posted by
8:27 PM
02 September, 2008
Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa
KAMI SEKELUARGA TERLEBIH DAHULU MEMOHON MAAF jika ada berbuat kesalahan yang tidak disedari, baik yang di sengaja maupun yang tidak di sengaja, semoga kami dan abiskita semua dapat menjalani ibadah puasa dengan khusyuk, diberkati dan dirahmati Allah. Amin.
Oreo Ice Cream Cake
Posted by
9:02 AM