The first Formula 1 race for 2009 started in Australia last Sunday. Surprisingly it was won by Brawn GP Mercedes, a team which has just been formed and made its first appearance in Australia.
No photo here. If you need more information, click on my sidebar.
Thank you.
31 March, 2009
Brawn GP Mercedes
Posted by
7:31 PM
23 March, 2009
The Health Promotion Centre
Just a quick post. The "easter" school holiday or known in Brunei as the "First term" holiday has just started. As one of the activities of KNK, the family made a visit to the Health Promotion Centre at Jalan Commonwealth, Berakas.
It was really fun and enjoyable. We managed to spent 2 and a half hours inside the centre because it closed the day at 4.30pm.
KNK = Kenali Negara Kitani = Know Your Country Better?
Posted by
11:10 PM
15 March, 2009
A trademark or trade mark, identified by the symbols ™ (not yet registered) and ® (registered), or mark is a distinctive sign or indicator used by an individual, business organization or other legal entity to identify that the products and/or services to consumers with which the trademark appears originate from a unique source of origin, and to distinguish its products or services from those of other entities. A trademark is a type of intellectual property, and typically a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, or a combination of these elements.
The owner of a registered trademark may commence legal proceedings for trademark infringement to prevent unauthorized use of that trademark. However, registration is not required. The owner of a common law trademark may also file suit, but an unregistered mark may be protectable only within the geographical area within which it has been used or in geographical areas into which it may be reasonably expected to expand.
[extracted from Wikipedia]
Posted by
9:30 PM
09 March, 2009
Bowling Tournament
The annual bowling tournament was organised by Sekolah Menengah Muda Hashim Tutong. It was held on Sunday 1st March 2009 and participated by most of the Secondary Schools in the Country.
Posted by
9:17 PM
07 March, 2009
Book Carnival Brunei 2009
In conjunction with the Silver Jubilee of Brunei's National Day, the annual Book Carnival/Festival/Fair was held between 27th Feb to 8th Mar. The event was officially opened by Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport.
The family went there on 1st Mar 2009. It was a very good outing. We bought quite a number of interesting books, got quite a number of bargains (discounts kali ah.. hehe) and met a number of interesting people.
Posted by
12:48 PM
05 March, 2009
Cross Country for RBAF Cadets
The Cross Country competition for National Army Cadets took place at Sekolah Menengah Muda Hashim Tutong on 27th February 2009.
Some 150 army cadets from UBD and 19 secondary schools and colleges in the country joined the competition, organised by the Department of Co-Curriculum Education at the Ministry of Education and Royal Brunei Armed Forces.
Her Royal Highness Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Anak Sarah emerged as the champion in the Universiti Brunei Darussalam Female Singles Category. HRH Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Anak Sarah completed the four-kilometre event in 28 minutes and 20 seconds.
For UBD Male Singles Category, Amirul Shahezul claimed the top spot with his time of 34 min and 27 sec.
The champion for Secondary Schools and Colleges Male Singles Category was Abdul Malik Awang Hidup from Sekolah Menengah Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Mentiri with his time of 27 min and 13 sec.
In the Special Group Category for Secondary Schools and Colleges, the first place went to Sekolah Menengah PIHM Serasa.
On hand to present trophies to the winners was the Principal of Sekolah Menengah Muda Hashim Tutong, as the Guest of Honour, Cikgu Hadion Lim Beng Guan.
Posted by
8:13 PM
03 March, 2009
Birthday Celebrations
Haji-K and family would like to wish happy birthday to the following members of the Md Yassin-Hjh Saliah family, who celebrated their birthdays in February.
Posted by
6:26 PM