15 April, 2008

Do you know...

Received this interesting article via e-mail but I am not sure where the exact location of this river is. Does anyone out there know where it is? Please shed some lights into the truth of this story because I am really interested to know more about it.

These rivers flow together and their nature came to be known in the starting of 20th century. ALLAH (SWT) mentioned the nature of these two rivers in Holy Quran around 1400 years back.

These two rivers flow together and finally settle down into the Ocean. The taste of one river is extreamly sweet whereas the taste of the other river is extreamly opposite (that is bitter) but they never mix. There is nothing in between these rivers which could stop them from mixing togther but they don't. Obviously, this is the will & order of ALLAH (SWT).

imaginary line drawn to show the distinction

how it actually look likes

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