Eid Al Fitr Mubarak Karim to everyone. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri to all.
Alhamdulillah, the muslims in Brunei celebrate Eid Al Fitr or Hari Raya Aidil Fitri today i.e. Saturay, 13th October 2007. It started with the mass prayer of Eid Al Fitr in all mosques and "surau" at 7.30am.
The annual routine for the 1st day of Eid Al Fitr continues as usual this year. Went to Sg Tilong to seek forgiveness from my father-in-law and mother-in-law and the rest of the family there. Around 3.00pm, we went back to Tutong to go to the cemetery with the rest of our other family (from my side). May Allah bless Allahyarham Mohamad Mahali, Allahyarham Md Yassin Metasan, Allahyarhamah Hajah Saliah Haji Nasar and those who has departed. Amin. Once we have finished reciting "Surah Yaasin" and "tahlil" at the cemetery, it was time to visit our grannies around Tutong. (Note: the visit to cemetery is our annual activity for the first day of Eid Al Fitr, which is synonymous to visiting them to seek for forgiveness when they were still alive. The only difference is that they are not with us anymore - But the feeling is still the same. Its just like meeting them in person. The family misses all of them).
We then continue our journey for house to house visits. It is a normal practise in Brunei that we visit each other during this festive season to renew friendships, seek for forgiveness and catch up with the news from each other. We visited Nini Haji Abdullah, Usu Cikgu Haji Bidin, Village Leader Haji Momin, Nini Haji Bagol, Bu Zaiton & Uda. And while at Uda, we talked with Alai Fizah over the phone. Back at home, I have also managed to chat briefly with Alai Hafiz.
...three lovely ladies...
this is all for now. more photos coming as and when I have the time.
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