Its exam time of the year. Today marks the beginning of public examination for Primary 6 in Brunei. Yes, its the "Penilaian Sekolah Rendah". The exam starts today and will end on Monday, 8th October 2007. For me, one of my daughters is taking this big exam this year and I am taking a special leave from office to make sure I spent enough time with her to do her revisions. They will sit for Mathematics I and Mathematics II papers today. I will post the full exam timetable at the end of this posting. Check it out below if you need the info.
On a separate subject, I noticed the day today is so calm, not windy and the sun is not so bright. It reminded me of the story my secondary school teacher used to tell us about the night of "Lailatul Qadar". "Lailatul Qadar" night, which is equivalent to 1000 nights, occurs on one of the odd 10 nights of Ramadhan. During the night of "Lailatul Qadar", the angels will come down to earth to bless those who enlivened the night with "zikirs", prayers and reciting of the Quraan. The angels will stay on earth throughout the night and will return in the morning. In another religious talk I attended, it was described that the WINGS of even one angel are so wide that they stretch from one end to the other end of the earth. There were no figures on how many angels came down to earth on the night of "Lailatul Qadar". There could be thousands, millions or even more. It was mentioned that the wings of these RETURNING angels blocked the rays of the sun, which is one of the reasons why the sun seemed not so bright or hot on the morning after "Lailatul Qadar" night. It so happened that last night was the 21st day of the month of Ramadhan. Wallahualam. Please correct me if I am wrong here. May Allah bless us all.
The photos I posted below are dedicated to my daughter, who is taking her PSR exam today....the school signboard
As promised, here is the Timetable for PSR 2007 Examination
Wednesday, 3rd October 2007
Mathematics I
Mathematics II
Thursday, 4th October 2007
English Language I
English Language II
Saturday, 6th October 2007
Bahasa Melayu I
General Paper
Monday, 8th October 2007
Bahasa Melayu II
Science I
Science II
Good luck to all of you...