21 July, 2008


One fine day while I was bloghopping around, I came across a receipe to make bingka. I am not sure what its called in English but I am sure its not "Pudding". Anyway, I showed the receipe to the kids and told them that I wanted to try it over the weekend.

Apparently, one of my daughters got excited and told her school friends about the plan. Later that day, she asked me if she could invite some of her friends to come over on Sunday.

So, on Sunday (20/7) afternoon, two of my daughter's friends came over. In fact, one of them brought along a receipe book, which she borrowed from her father. But, I told them I have only bought the ingredients for bingka.

We started this interesting activity at around 2.30pm. They helped each other to prepare the ingredients and I helped them to run the mixer machine and the hot oven.

By around 5.00pm, I took it out of the oven, nicely cooked and ready to be served. We had our bingka and ice cream for high afternoon tea.

Enjoyable? Of course, it was.

preparing the ingredients...

one of the COOKS...

pouring the mixture into the baking tray...

the result...

i almost forgot to take the photo until most of them were eaten up...

ps. I do not know why the top portion becomes harder. But, the kids enjoy that part of the cake.

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